Insomnia-Sleep Better with Acupuncture
Insomnia can leave you tired during the day, irritable and not feeling your best. It can affect your mental alertness and concentration, leave you at greater risk for hypertension, anxiety and depression. Creating a sleep routine can be helpful, but even for some this won’t cure the difficulty falling asleep or help those who have trouble with waking in the night or too early in the morning. Acupuncture can help you to sleep better, which can make a difference in how you feel each day.
The primary sleep problems I see in practice are difficulty falling asleep, waking at night with difficulty going back to sleep, and waking due to pain or uncomfortableness. During an acupuncture session, I will review sleep problems with my patients along with doing a current health review status, which helps to diagnose the specific underlying disharmonies according to Traditional Chinese Medicine that may be contributing to their insomnia.
Acupuncture helps to bring harmony to the body and can promote the secretion of hormones to help with pain relief and calming the nervous system. During the treatment I use specific acupuncture points known to promote sleep and correct any imbalances in the body that can prevent patients from getting the restful sleep that they need. These can be extraordinarily effective. Patients often sleep better after their very first session, and with a series of treatments, patients will sleep better regularly.
Acupuncture is also known to be effective in treating pain. For patients that are woken by pain or uncomfortable sleeping due to an injury or chronic pain, acupuncture can reduce the pain and help with sleep often in the same treatment.
Whether you have been experiencing insomnia just recently or it has been a chronic issue for years, getting acupuncture may be just what you need to get a good night’s sleep and beat the insomnia battle finally.
Ready to start or have more questions? Schedule your acupuncture appointment today. Free consultations are also available. New Patients – choose the Initial New Patient Appointment.