Below is a list of conditions suitable for treatment using acupuncture. I do not diagnose medical conditions and this does not replace a medical diagnosis or treatment. In many cases, acupuncture may be done in addition to your doctor’s recommended treatment and while you continue your current medications.
- Headache
and Migraine - Facial Palsy
- Frozen Shoulder
- Sciatica
- Back Pain
- Neck pain
- Hip Pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/Hand
pain - Knee Pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Chronic Fatigue
- Sports Injuries and Pains
- Surgery Recovery Support or Pre-Surgical Support and Pain Management
- Sinusitis
- Recovery from cold/flu
- Cough
- Asthma support
- Immune System Support
- IBS, Crohn’s, Colitis, Diverticulitis
- Constipation/Diarrhea
- Bloating and upset stomach
- Nausea/Vomiting
Women’s Health
- Premenstrual Syndrome (emotional and physical symptoms)
- Dysmenorrhea/Menstrual Pain
- Amenorrhea
- Fertility Support
- Morning Sickness
- Hot flashes and Menopause support