Christie-Jo Starvish, L.Ac. DAOM
Christie earned a Masters in Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine from Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine College in Berkeley, CA. She now specializes in pain management, facial and cosmetic acupuncture, stress and anxiety management, improving energy, immunity and women’s health from her private office in Newport, RI. Each patient is different and she takes the time to provide individualized care and treatments to all of her patients.
Christie understands the every-day health challenges we can have when managing stress, working through injuries, and trying have enough energy to give to home, family, friends and work. Her desire to understand how to truly heal her family, herself and others in a way that was natural and worked with the body’s innate ability to heal itself is what inspired her to practice this medicine. She is honored to be able to share this healing method with you.
When she’s not in the office working with patients, Christie can be found attending local events around Newport with her husband, walking cliff walk, practicing yoga and spending summer days at the beach whenever possible. She looks forward to meeting you!